The core of the club’s leniency against indecency is

The core of the club’s leniency against indecency is

The suspicion of forced indecency at the club can be recognized as sexual contact involving assault or intimidation against others. At this time, the degree of assault or intimidation is not important, and if the use of physical force is confirmed, it can be seen as meeting the legal requirements of this crime. For example, hugging someone suddenly is considered to be an act that simultaneously raises suspicion of assault and forced indecency.

What if you were to be punished for forced indecency at a club? Forced sexual contact through assault or intimidation, sexual contact using another person’s mental and physical loss or irresistible state can result in up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to 15 million won. In addition, sexual contact in such a public place amounts to up to 3 years in prison or a fine of up to 30 million won. If you are sentenced to a fine or higher for such a crime, your personal information will be registered for at least 10 years and additional security orders may be imposed.


I think that I think I think I think about the actual case of the club.Y is the first time with friends.I was awkward to enjoy this culture, but I started looking forward to the heat of music and people’s heat.This university student tried to interact with the opposite sex and other women, especially in the other women.However, I was going to face the toilet, and I was faced with a certain situation in complex internal and misunderstanding.In the small mistake, he was asked for a crime in the club.The panic Y is not immediately able to find the situation, and then handed down the police.After investigation of police, he felt that he was investigated in suspicion of crime, he felt deeply anxious about this situation.However, I noticed that it is difficult to solve the legal support.×640/the-legion-of-decency-gerald-kelly-sj-john-c-ford-.jpg

Sexual crimes in dense public places can be classified as public places and punished. However, in this case, the investigative agency conducted an investigation on charges of forced pornography at the club because it did not judge it as a contact using a crowded environment.When physical contact is inevitable in crowded spaces, misunderstandings often lead to unfair application of suspicion of misconduct. The client of this case was placed in a similar situation, but he recognized the seriousness of the situation and dealt with it quickly. In order to solve this problem that threatens my future, I asked for cooperation from our law firm, which provides professional legal advice on sex crimes.

Our professional legal representative recognized that the situation was complicated and difficult to solve after a close examination of this issue. Mr. Y was drunk at the time of the incident and his memory was not clear. The defense team immediately tried to secure CCTV footage of the incident site, but the video had already expired and was deleted.The disadvantage to Mr. Y in this case was that the victim’s statement alone was recognized without enough evidence. However, our law firm has solved many of these difficult issues and was confident in preparing thorough countermeasures against the situation.In this case, our professional representative emphasized that Y did not contact with sexual intent and made legal and logical claims. We presented more convincing and reliable evidence than the complainant’s claim, and we strongly argued that Mr. Y’s claim could be true while reviewing CCTV footage of the day with investigative agencies. With this thorough response, our dedicated team successfully completed the problem at the police investigation stage and helped our clients return to their daily lives quickly.Recently, the number of sexual crimes occurring in these places is increasing. Also, improvised encounters here can start lightly and lead to serious sex crimes that are unexpected. It is not enough to respond to contact events that occur in such a dense crowd with just personal claims. The overall context of the situation should be taken into account and appropriate responses should be sought. Improper response prevents you from proving your innocence, and you can keep a record of serious sex crimes and criminal records. In particular, club forced pornography is frequent, so special attention is needed in this environment. If you are involved in such an issue, it is important to consult our law firm, a sex crime expert, without delay.Law Firm Impression Reservation at 1542nd Floor, Seocho Jungang-ro, Seocho-gu, Republic of KoreaLaw Firm Impression Reservation at 1542nd Floor, Seocho Jungang-ro, Seocho-gu, Republic of KoreaPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image